Prices in EURO - VAT not included
Product description as Art. 985GL
Comprising: 33 tools
1 bag Art. 2071 ZP
17 fixed combination wrenches Art. 879 6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22mm
1 universal pliers Art. 320 G 180
1 long-nosed pliers Art. 250 B 160
1 adjustable pliers Art. 365 GE 240
1 cutter Art. 569 160mm
1 scissors Art. 656 P
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GE 75
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GE 100
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GE 125
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GP - PH 0
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GP - PH 1
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GP - PH 2
1 hammer Art. 2702 F 500
1 fleximeter Art. 4141 DA 5
1 knife Art. 5233 R
1 pair gloves Art. 3398 R 8
Complete set.
Each 231,68
Compositions are indicative and not binding.
Product description as Art. 985GL
Comprising: 46 tools
1 bag Art. 2071 ZT
18 fixed combination wrenches Art. 879 6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-24mm
9 set of wrenches Art. 914 GC/9 1.5-2-2.5-3-4-5-6-8-10mm
1 universal pliers Art. 320 G 180
1 long-nosed pliers Art. 250 B 160
1 cutter Art. 569 160mm
1 scissors Art. 656 P
1 wire strippers Art. 196
1 adjustable pliers Art. 365 GE 240
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GA 75
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GE 100
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GE 125
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GE 150
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GP - PH 0
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GP - PH 1
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GP - PH 2
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GP - PH 3
1 hammer Art. 2702 F 500
1 fleximeter Art. 4141 DA 5
1 knife Art. 5233 R
1 pair gloves Art. 3398 R 8
Complete set.
Each 347,76
Compositions are indicative and not binding.
986G 6
Prod. SCU
Assortment of tools for universal professional use.
Comprising: 53 tools
1 bag Art. 2077 GD 5
12 wrenches in series Art. 872 GD, 6x7 8x9 10x11
12x13 14x15 16x17 18x19 20x22 21x23 24x27
25x28 30x32mm
9 wrenches in series Art. 914 GC/9 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5
6 8 10mm
1 universal pliers Art. 332 GE 180mm
1 half-round nose pliers Art. 250 GE 200mm
1 cutter Art. 569 GE 160mm
1 adjustable pliers Art. 365 GE 240
1 scissors Art. 656 A
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GA 100mm
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GE 150mm
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GP - PH 1
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GP - PH 2
1 phase-detecting screwdriver Art. 1907 GA
1 hammer Art. 2702 F 300g
1 knife Art. 662 G
1 plastic folding rule Art. 4141
1 hacksaw Art. 2642
1 dz. blades Art. 2643 GA
1 knife Art. 5231 G
1 pincers Art. 626 G size 180mm
1 tweezers Art. 146 P size 160mm
1 gimlet Art. 4540 G 5mm
1 drift Art. 2998 G
6 files, set Art. 2349 G 8 inches
1 pair gloves Art. 3398 A
1 rasp Art. 2442 8 1/2"D.
1 handle Art. 2448x120
1 chisel Art. 2935 GA 250mm
1 oiler Art. 3407 P
Complete set.
986G 6
Each 469,98
Compositions are indicative and not binding.