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Prod. SCU

Type with hard metal teeth.
Cutting edges for right-hand rotation. To be used on pillar drills, magnetic or normal, with direct Weldon shank ø 19mm. Particularly suitable for drilling hard materials. Special cutting geometry allows extended tool life. The core drills are supplied with integral shank, without pilot bits. Suitable for use on pillar drills with magnet Art. 3078 G-3078 GA-3078 GE-3078 GL-3078 GP.

Cutting depth 30mm.

3077GT - CORE DRILLS - Prod. SCU
 Cod. Art.Cad.Min. qtyØ
Cod. Prod.WeightNote
(*)3077GT 16€ 115,00116 0.14
(*)3077GT 17€ 115,00117 0.145
(*)3077GT 18€ 115,00118 0.15
(*)3077GT 19€ 115,00119 0.16
(*)3077GT 20€ 115,00120 0.165
(*)3077GT 21€ 121,00121 0.17
(*)3077GT 22€ 121,00122 0.18
(*)3077GT 23€ 121,00123 0.185
(*)3077GT 24€ 121,00124 0.19
(*)3077GT 25€ 121,00125 0.2
(*)3077GT 26€ 130,00126 0.205
(*)3077GT 27€ 130,00127 0.21
(*)3077GT 28€ 139,00128 0.22
(*)3077GT 29€ 139,00129 0.225
(*)3077GT 30€ 139,00130 0.23
(*)3077GT 31€ 148,00131 0.24
(*)3077GT 32€ 148,00132 0.245
(*)3077GT 33€ 157,00133 0.25
(*)3077GT 34€ 157,00134 0.26
(*)3077GT 35€ 157,00135 0.265
(*)3077GT 40€ 192,00140 0.295
(*)3077GT 45€ 243,00145 0.33
(*)3077GT 50€ 245,00150 0.35

Accessories - Spare parts


3077GT - spessore denti

I denti delle seghe ha tazza hanno lo spessore di 2 mm.