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internal race extractors with 2 jaws

Prod. SCU - Orig. Buco

Two-jaw type to extract ball bearings.
Zinc-chrome finish. In forged and hardened steel.
To be used inside the bearing ring. The heavy-duty and strong body together with the huge expanding strength ensure the extraction even of stubborn bearings.
To be used with 1415 G 1-2-3 and 1415 GP-S-T.

For 5-7 mm expansion see Article 1414 GE 1.

1414G - DOUBLE-GRIP EXPANDERS - Prod. SCU - Orig. Buco
 Cod. Art.Cad.Min. qtySize
Expansion by
Cod. Prod.WeightNote
(*)1414G 0€ 74,60108-12 Più dettagli0.1
(*)1414G 1€ 74,601112-16 Più dettagli0.11
(*)1414G 2€ 76,801216-20 Più dettagli0.12
(*)1414G 3€ 82,101320-27 Più dettagli0.13
(*)1414G 3A€ 94,6013A24-30 Più dettagli0.16
(*)1414G 4€ 94,601427-36 Più dettagli0.37
(*)1414G 5€ 116,001536-46 Più dettagli0.47
(*)1414G 6€ 150,001646-58 Più dettagli0.55
(*)1414G 7€ 193,001758-70 Più dettagli0.6

Accessories - Spare parts
