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Prod. SCU

Tool set for universal use.

Comprising: 27 tools
1 bag Art. 2076 GE
6 wrenches Art. 870 GR, 6x7 8x9 10x11 12x13 x14x15 16x17mm
8 wrenches in series Art. 914 GM 8 with 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 8 10mm
1 universal pliers Art. 320 G 180mm
1 adjustable pliers Art. 365 GE 240
1 cutter Art. 569 160mm
1 scissors Art. 656 A
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GA 100mm
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GE 150mm
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GP - PH 1
1 screwdriver Art. 1970 GP - PH 2
1 phase-detecting screwdriver Art. 1907 GA
1 hammer Art. 2702 F 200g
1 knife Art. 5231 G
1 plastic folding ruler Art. 4141
Complete set.

Compositions are indicative and not binding.

ATTACHED FILES related to the product
985GL - TOOL BAGS - Prod. SCU
 Cod. Art.Cad.Min. qtyCod. Prod.WeightNote
(*)985GL€ 195,521 2.8

Accessories - Spare parts
