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Prod. SCU

CE | EN 345 | S1P

Safety work footwear apt for any use. With steel toe with resistance until J200 (except Art. 3403 MA and MR), high-density polyurethan sole, high resistance to perforation (except Art. 3403 MA and MR), big flexibility, anti-static, resistant to hydrocarbons, non-slip. Anatomic, detachable, anti-mycotic, anatomic and anti-bacterial insole.
In compliance with the European regulation EN 345 in force.

High type, for welders. With additional metatarsal protection, sole in nitrile rubber, heat resistant up to 300°C. Made of leather, big padding in the malleolus area, easily removable.
Safety category S3 (except no 39 safety category S1P).

ATTACHED FILES related to the product
 Cod. Art.Min. qtyAl paio
Cod. Prod.WeightNote
(*)3403MR 391158,0039 1.328
(*)3403MR 401158,0040 1.346
(*)3403MR 411158,0041 1.363
(*)3403MR 421158,0042 1.38
(*)3403MR 431158,0043 1.398
(*)3403MR 441158,0044 1.415
(*)3403MR 451158,0045 1.432

Accessories - Spare parts
