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Prod. SCU

Flexible type covered on 4 sides by Silicon-Carbid abrasive. For hand use particularly suitable for light deburring and finishing steel, stainless steel, nonferrous metals, glass, paints, enamels, wood and plastic, etc.

Dimensions 100x70x25mm.

ATTACHED FILES related to the product
 Cod. Art.Cad.Min. qtyGrit
Cod. Prod.WeightNote
(*)7785G 240€ 1,121240 0.04
(*)7785G 220€ 1,121220 0.045
(*)7785G 180€ 1,121180 0.05
(*)7785G 150€ 1,121150 0.055
(*)7785G 120€ 1,121120 0.06
(*)7785G 100€ 1,121100 0.065
(*)7785G 80€ 1,12180 0.07
(*)7785G 60€ 1,12160 0.075
(*)7785G 40€ 1,12140 0.08

Accessories - Spare parts
