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Prod. SCU


Professional model with double function for contact measurement or light ray telemeasuring. direct reading on display (5 digits), casing covered with rubbery material for high protection and a more comfortable use.
Good precision equipment (±0.02% +1 digit), user friendly for measuring without mechanic contact.
Field of contact measurement: 1 to 99999 rev/min.
Field of telemeasuring: 1 to 99999 rev/min.
Peripheral speed (with 6" wheel) from 0.10 to 1524 m/min - from 0.40 to 5000 ft/min - from 4 to 60000 in/min.
Measurement of length (with 6" wheel) from 0 to 99999 m/ft/in.
For telemeasuring apply the supplied adhesive reflective strip on the moving part.
For contact measurements apply the provided adaptor as well as the special standard tools (2 pointers and 2 wheels for peripheral speed).
Max. light ray measuring distance: 0.60m.
Incorporated memory for recalling the latest, the max., the min. and the average reading.
Field of measurement selection: m/min, m/sec., ft/min, ft/sec.,in/min, m, ft, in, rpm.
Automatic stop after 30 sec. from the latest measurement. Indicator of discharged batteries.
Operated by 2 alkaline batteries AA. Supplied in case.

The instrument is supplied with a calibration report. For additional reflective strips see Art. O4430 GCA.

ATTACHED FILES related to the product
 Cod. Art.Cad.Min. qtyCod. Prod.WeightNote
(*)4430GF€ 713,001 0.61


O4430GCA - dimensioni

Le strisce riflettenti autoadesive misurano mm 75x10

4430GF con certificato

Lo strumento viene fornito con rapporto di taratura